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Spice agricultural products

Cinnamaldehyde or Cinnamic_Aldehyde – NATURE’s wonderful compound

27/01/2024 vipsen
Cinnamaldehyde or Cinnamic_Aldehyde - NATURE's wonderful compound

There are many people who are fascinated with the scent of cinnamon essential oil. Cinnamon-flavored cakes or candies also bring indescribable appeal. Why does that happen? That is thanks to the compound Cinnamaldehyde. Let’s find out with VIPSEN.

1. About Cinnamaldehyde.

1.1 What is Cinnamaldehyde?

Cinnamaldehyde, also known as Cinnamic Aldehyde, 3-phenyl-2-propane, Pheny Acrolein, Cinnamyl aldehyde, trans-cinnamaldehyde… This is the main ingredient in the bark and leaves of the cinnamon tree (Cinnamon or Cassia) originating from Originated from Vietnam, China, India, Sri Lanka… Cinnamaldehyde is also found in Camphor trees.

With the chemical formula C6H5CH = CHCHO, Cinnamaldehyde is a naturally occurring organic compound with mainly the trans (E) isomer, which gives cinnamon its flavor and smell. Cinnamon bark essential oil contains about 80-85% Cinnamaldehyde.

1.2 History

Cinnamaldehyde had its molecular formula determined in 1834 thanks to its isolation from cinnamon essential oil by French scientists Jean Baptiste Andre Dumas (1800-1884) and Eugene Melchior Peligot (1811 – 1890). The compound was synthesized in the laboratory by Italian scientist Luigi Chiozza in 1854. Its structural formula was only decoded in 1866 by German chemist Emil Erlenmeyer (1825 – 1909).

A Vietnam cinnamon (Cassia) forest is about to be harvested

2. Uses of Cinnamaldehyde

Cinnamaldehyde has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, aroma and flavor effects in the food processing industry and has anti-diabetic effects.

2.1 Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agents.

According to research by the University of Illinois, Chicago, Cinnamaldehyde prevents more than 50% of the growth of oral bacteria. This compound is particularly effective in preventing the growth of bacteria and other pathogens in the tongue.

In a study titled “Antibacterial activities of cinnamon oil and Cinnamaldehyde from the Chinese medicinal plant Cinnamomum cassia Blume” published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, Cinnamaldehyde effectively inhibited the growth of many different types of bacteria including gram positive and gram negative bacteria. It can inhibit Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella dysentery, typhoid and paratyphoid, bacillus, pneumococcus, aerobacillus, proteus, anthrax, Salmonella enteritidis, Vibrio cholerae…

Medical experts have also discovered that Cinnamic Aldehyde has significant effects on fungi. The antifungal effect of this product against 22 types of conditionally pathogenic fungi indicates that Cinnamic Aldehyde is an antifungal active ingredient. The compound performs this role by destroying the fungal cell wall, allowing the drug to enter the fungal cell and destroy the organelles.

2.2 Flavoring substances

Cinnamaldehyde is mainly added to foods and medicines to improve the quality of aroma and taste. Industries that produce confectionery, beverages, spices, sauces… all like to use this compound to increase appeal and stimulate consumers’ taste buds.

Cinnamaldehyde is also used in the perfume industry, deodorants, detergents, mouthwashes, toothpastes… as a regenerator of fruit flavors and natural fragrances.

Young cinnamon (cassia) trees

2.3 Treatment of diabetes

The anti-diabetic nature of cinnamon is due to the presence of Cinnamaldehyde. This product can decompose fat. Cinnamaldehyde can inhibit the free fatty acids of adrenaline and ACTH, and promote the synthesis of fat into glucose. Therefore, it can be used in blood sugar control drugs to enhance the performance of insulin in replacing glucose and preventing diabetes.

According to a study conducted on Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic male wistar rats, administration of Cinnamaldehyde at different doses significantly reduced blood glucose levels and simultaneously increased plasma Insulin levels.

Furthermore, oral administration of Cinnamaldehyde markedly decreased the concentrations of Glycosylated Hemoglobin, Serum Total Cholesterol, and Triglycerides, while increasing Liver Glycogen and HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol. Therefore, Cinnamaldehyde exhibits hypoglycemic and hyponatremic effects in STZ-induced diabetic rats.

2.4 Repel Insects

Thanks to the Cinnamaldehyde compound, cinnamon essential oil creates a pleasant and relaxing scent when used to scent rooms, workplaces, hotels, and restaurants. Besides, products containing Cinnamaldehyde are effective in repelling insects.

3. Production of Cinnamaldehyde

Preparation of Cinnamaldehyde (Cinnamic Aldehyde) from cinnamon essential oil by fractionation or chemical reaction.

There are two ways to extract cinnamon essential oil: steam distillation and solvent extraction. But to achieve Cinnamaldehyde content of up to 80-85%, steam distillation technology must be used, but with solvent extraction technology, only 62% to 73% of Cinnamaldehyde is achieved.

Cinnamaldehyde can also be synthesized by reacting Benzaldehyde (C6H5CHO) with Acetaldehyde (CH3CHO). The two compounds condense after removing water to form Cinnamaldhyde.

Cinnamon (cassia) essential oil distillation system

4. Cinnamaldehyde at VIPSEN essential oil factory.

VIPSEN is one of the leading researchers and producers of natural essential oils in Vietnam. Essential oil products are produced using advanced methods, achieving high quality with 100% natural ingredients, without additives or mixtures.

Cinnamaldehyde is produced by fractional distillation from cinnamon essential oil. Cinnamaldehyde content of finished products reaches 98%. Products are manufactured by VIPSEN from selected raw materials, from famous cinnamon growing areas in Vietnam. The production process from planting and harvesting raw materials to producing and preserving finished products is always closely monitored by a team of experienced experts and technicians. The active ingredient Cinnamaldehyde 98% produced by VIPSEN is not only popular in Vietnam but also around the world.

Welcoming Doterra experts at VIPSEN essential oil factory

For more information, please contact:

Phone/Whatsapp/Zalo/Wechat/Kakao Talk/Line/Skype/Viber: +84 868 855 086

Email: Tony@Vipsen.vn

Address: D7-TT9, Forosa Street, Xuan Phuong New Urban Area, Xuan Phuong, Nam Tu Liem, Hanoi

Address of essential oil factory: Bai Dai, Tien Xuan, Thach That, Hanoi, Vietnam

Address of ginger and star anise factory: Thu Do, An Tuong, Vinh Tuong, Vinh Phuc, Vietnam

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